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Know Your Imaginations Through Surreal Art  

What is Surreal Art


Have you ever thought of giving a picture to your unusual and bizarre dreams or thoughts of the subconscious mind that doesn’t make any sense? This is what surreal art is.

Surreal art frees the imaginations and fantasies of a human mind and reveals the unconscious, encourages the radical change and absolutely rejects the rationality, reasoning and logic. In other terms, Surrealism literally means of having a plenty of or no reality’. Hence, Surrealism style makes use of visual imagery from the subconscious mind to create art with the intention of irrationality.  

History of Surreal Art


Originally, Surreal Art came into being after the advent of the movement of Surrealism. In 1925, an artistic style of cultural movement was carried out by Andre Breton. This movement began as a result of the horror reactions of World War I.

Most importantly, Sigmund Freud work had a significant effect on the on surreal art as he believed our dreams and imaginations to be a reflection of our subconscious mind. Also, he emphasized that people must ponder over their dreams and must extract the messages from them. Thus, his psychoanalysis inspired many artists, poets to dig into the subconscious and conscious minds and to explore them.

Surreal Artists


Surrealists are more focused in evaluating the world of imaginations, dreams, nightmares and desires within a subconscious mind.  As a result, surreal artists often reflect unusual and weird subjects through their surreal art. The surreal art is further categorized into main categories.

The first kind of surreal art is drawn automatically. Let me further elucidate that, these artworks were created without any thought that reflects the subconscious mind. The artists paint whatever they feel like.  Joan Miro and Andre Masson tried to adopt this idea in their paintings. 

Abstract art can be a good example of it.  However, the second type of surreal art is based on making use of everyday objects surrounding us. These objects are further painted in a realistic style, but are positioned in an unexpected way that can only happen in a dream or an imagination. For instance, the dogs are guarding a building with the guns on their shoulders.

Some Surreal Artists


Along with this, let’s further dig into the examples of ionic surrealistic paintings.

Firstly, ‘The persistence of memory’ by Salvador Dali conveys that the time as we know is meaningless.

Secondly, ‘Metamorphosis of Narcissus’ by Salvador Dali gives us message tells us about the Greek man, Narcissus.

Thirdly, ‘The son of man’ by Rene Magritte says that everything we see hides another thing.

Fourthly, ‘This is not a pipe’ by Rene Magritte states that pipe is not what you are perceiving it to be in fact pipe is a real image of a real life.

Fifthly, ‘The Red tower’ by Giorgio de Chirico represents the brooding moods.

Sixthly, ‘The Elephant Celebes’ by Max Ernst suggests that animals may often give more meaningful messages than humans. Finally, ‘Reply to Red’ by Yves Tanguy shows vast and abstract landscapes.